Life Guide Introduction & Why.
Like everyone else, I’ve had my share of life’s ups and downs, learning and growing from each experience. Some face challenges earlier or more intensely than others. This Life Guide is a culmination of my life experiences and the wisdom of many others, distilled into a concise and practical guide and training program at zero cost.
Ralph Dost – Life Guide writer.
I’ve consumed thousands of hours of videos, podcasts, books, and blogs. From Tony Robbins to Eckhart Tolle, from Sadhguru to Andrew Huberman (HubermanLab), and from Mooji to Richard de Leth, Wim Hof, Brené Brown, Bob Proctor, Jan Geurtz, Arie Boomsma, Ido Portal, Michael Pollan, Alan Watts, Rhonda Patrick, Gabor Mate, Peter Diamandis, Stephen Covey, Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Deepak Chopra, and many other renowned and lesser-known scientists, spiritual teachers, and experiential experts.
This journey also included my many retreats, Zen meditation classes, numerous forms of meditation and yoga, Wim Hof Method training, and various breathing techniques. Over the years, I’ve gratefully received coaching from multiple coaches with diverse perspectives.
Overcoming Adversity & Building Resilience.
These experiences have helped me overcome the social anxiety I had since childhood. They guided me through living with a wife who had severe OCD for many years. Just as she began to recover, she was diagnosed with cancer and passed away after a short battle. That was when I really chose to deeply invest in myself, to discover the world inside and outside of me. The lessons of resilience have been invaluable.
Years later, I found new love and now have two children. Our oldest, Jens, was unexpectedly born with Down syndrome, which brought new life lessons. Fortunately, Jens is doing great. More life experiences and lesson you will find at my blog and the about Ralph page.
After years of exploration, I realized that many training programs are too extensive and narrowly focused. Focus is essential, but life is complex, broad, and profoundly simple at the same time.
I’ve distilled everything I’ve learned into this Life Guide, making it as straightforward as possible for myself and for you. It comes straight from the heart. While it can’t be fully captured in a few pages, the core principles are quickly digestible. The key is to feel and act upon them. This guide includes optional deep dives, but maintaining focus on the basics is crucial for finding and living your unique path.
There isn’t one absolute truth. Every person is unique in body, mind, and thought. The art is in finding and living your unique path, and this Life Guide is here to help you do that.
Is the Life Guide Finished?
Just like life itself, the Life Guide is never truly finished. It’s an ongoing journey of growth and learning. I continually make adjustments and updates to ensure it remains useful and relevant. Subscribe to my newsletter to stay informed about these updates and continue your journey with us.
Why Free instead of €950,-?
Why offer it for free (zero cost) instead of charging for example €950,- or €2500,- or €….,- ? This information is invaluable to me and, I believe, to many others, including you. Sharing = caring (healing). I want it to be easily accessible to everyone.
I make a living through individual guiding (coaching), live training sessions, advertisement, and selling clothing and art based on the Life Guide philosophy. I am always transparent about my business model. If you find the Life Guide valuable, I appreciate any donation to support my work. Additionally, subscribing to my newsletter is a great way to stay connected and support me.
Help spread the word. Follow me on social media and share the Life Guide content.
Let’s start today. Shift your energy, Shape your Life. Move & Play with your energy. Let it Flow!
Life Guide Table of Contents
I’ve designed the Life Guide to be as lean and efficient as possible. No fancy course progressions or quizzes. You can follow your own path and progress at your own pace. On every page, you’ll find a green button in the bottom right corner. Clicking this button will open a pop-up window containing the table of contents and a map.
Xplore, Xperience & Xpress Your Authentic Self.
Saterday Pure Energy Flow Newsletter.
Every Saturday in your inbox. Inspiration, tips, and much more for your natural move, play, and flow!
A wave of pure energy! 😄
T-shirts, hoodies and more…
Want a t-shirt, hoodie, sweater, or bag with my original designs? Check out my webshop.
Personal Move, Play, Flow Coaching / Guidance.
Experience personal guidance in nature, where the right energy emerges as we walk or cycle together to find your unique path. If you have difficulty moving, we will find a solution. I prefer to guide people in my native language, so this service is only available in Dutch.
More info or meet up with me?
App, email or call me. I love to hear from you.
Ralph Dost – Life Guide
“Ralph provided me with the perfect guidance to understand how to balance my own energy. I now live with greater focus and a sense of liberation. It’s amazing! ”
Marcel L.