In the midst of chaos lies an opportunity. Painting by Ralph Dost -2023.

In the midst of chaos lies an opportunity.

Chaos, chaos, chaos. Chaos in the world or chaos within yourself. What is it? Is there really chaos, or is it just my perception? Is it my reflection of reality through the lens of my eye?

In the midst of chaos lie opportunities. An opportunity to embrace the chaos and fully accept it. To let go of old habits and patterns and welcome in the new. The opportunity to grow and flourish.

I often experience chaos. It feels uncomfortable, and fear sometimes takes hold. It’s chaos in my head, and it feels like chaos around me. Although for the outside world, it may not seem that way. Do I hide it, or is the chaos not as bad as it seems? That always remains an interesting observation.

In the midst of chaos lie the answers. I have experienced this so often. I looked deep into my beautiful, colorful heart. In silence during a walk in nature or in meditation. My deepest intuition spoke or shouted out the answer. It felt like the ultimate wisdom. From there came peace.

Nature often seems chaotic. The deeper you look into nature, the more you can recognize its imperfect orderliness. Plants, animals, and all elements interact with each other. The natural cycle is fragile but has tremendous resilience. Everything decays, and from that, something new emerges. The tree that dies and decays is the basis for new life. Nature embraces chaos and grows and flourishes.

In the midst of chaos lies an opportunity. Painting by Ralph Dost -2023.

The world seems to be in chaos. Banks collapsing, war, climate crisis, politics, Covid consequences, polarization, the disappearance of the human touch (but coming back in an undercurrent), and there are many more to mention. Chaos seems to be increasing and is, at the same time, timeless. Every generation, every individual must learn to deal with chaos.

People seem to be increasingly in chaos. The numbers of people with mental health problems are spiking in many countries. Everything moves fast, everything is much, and everything is increasingly chaotic. Many lose themselves, the connection to their heart, the connection to others, and the connection to nature. I also experience this regularly.

Chaos is the feeling of not having control. Chaos can be overwhelming, but it is precisely where opportunities lie. Joe Dispenza beautifully describes this. He says, “create from the unknown.” He also indicates that this will start to feel very uncomfortable. This is the place where everything seems chaotic. However, this is the path on which you will act differently and get a different outcome. Your journey is different, the result is different, your experience is different.

My motto becomes more and more “out of your comfort zone starts life.” Ten years ago, I quit working for an employer. After a tough period in which my wife had died after a short illness, I chose to go even further out of my comfort zone. I may have thrown myself into chaos. Robert Pino, a coach of mine, once said, “All great changes originate from chaos.”

There is also a saying, “Your wounds lead to your purpose.” That ties in nicely with how the Japanese deal with chaos and struggles. When a pot breaks, the cracks are filled with gold. They believe that when something or someone has suffered, it becomes more beautiful.

Embrace the chaos. The great thing is that you have a choice every moment. The choice of suffering or happiness. No matter how difficult sometimes, you can always choose happiness. Also in the middle of the chaos.

Look into your loving colorful heart. Feel the love & the light. Immerse yourself in gratitude. Almost everything is temporary. The chaos is temporary. physical life is temporary, but universal love is infinite.

Love yourself with all your heart. Follow your colorful heart! Be yourself. Enjoy!

Ralph 🧡🙏